Resources for Farmers

Learn more about what resources are available for farmers.

Resources for Farmworkers

Access more emotional and physical health resources for farmworkers.

Resources for Organizations

Organizations who work directly with farmers, farmworkers or the agricultural community can access resources, trainings and find information to assist in times of need.

Stress Management Tips

Practice these simple tips from the California Surgeon General’s Playbook: Stress Relief during COVID-19 to protect your health and manage your stress response.

Supportive Relationships

Safe, stable, and nurturing relationships can protect our brains and bodies from the harmful effects of stress and adversity. Stay in touch with mentors, friends, and family in person or by phone and video chat, including schools and community—or faith-based organizations.

Get Moving

Engage in 60 minutes of body movement—doesn’t have to be all at one time—every day. No matter the activity you choose, get your body moving and your heart rate up to burn off stress.

Quality Sleep

Get sufficient, high-quality sleep by setting a sleep schedule and routine, creating a comfortable, distraction-free environment, and avoiding electronics and caffeine too late into the day.

Balanced Nutrition and Hydration

Proper nutrition can help combat stress. This means regular mealtimes, minimizing refined carbohydrates, high fat, high sugar food, and reducing alcohol intake.

Mental Health Care

Engage in mental health care that can help decrease stress hormones and improve health. This could be minimizing the consumption of news and other media that may be upsetting or contacting a mental health professional.

Mindfulness Practices

Practice mindfulness, such as meditation, yoga, or prayer for 20 minutes, two times a day. Mindfulness can help strengthen the brain pathways that actively buffer the stress response, helping you regulate your stress response more easily.

This work is supported by Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) [grant no. 2021-70035-35573] from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.