Pet Lover’s Spay and Neuter Grant Program

Program Purpose

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is pleased to announce a competitive solicitation process to award grants under the Pet Lover’s Spay and Neuter Grant Program. The purpose of this program is to help stop pet overpopulation in California by providing funds for spay/neuter services to municipalities and non-profit organizations in California.

This program is funded by the following sources:

2025 Pet Lover’s Spay and Neuter Grant Proposal

Technical Review Committee

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is welcoming volunteers with knowledge and expertise in California’s veterinary, animal rescue/shelter, and animal services industries to serve on the 2025 Pet Lover’s Spay and Neuter Grant Program Technical Review Committee (TRC). This committee reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations to CDFA on proposals submitted for funding.

All individuals interested in serving on the TRC must submit a completed TRC Application, Conflict of Interest form, and a copy of their résumé or curriculum vitae to before 5 p.m. on Monday, December 2, 2024. TRC members will be required to complete a statement of economic interest (Form 700), and complete Ethics and Sexual Harassment Prevention trainings.

Technical Review Committee Application

Conflict of Interest Form

2025 Timeline


The California Department of Food and Agriculture is pleased to announce the:

You can help support agricultural education and the Pet Lover's program by purchasing a special interest license plate at your local DMV office or online today.

Alert: Possible Scam
CDFA Grant Notifications Requesting Payment in Exchange for Grant Awards

CDFA has been made aware of numerous scams soliciting payment from applicants to award grants. CDFA does not charge fees for application or administration of grants and awards are never made based on payments from applicants. If you believe you may be a victim of this effort, you are encouraged to contact your local law enforcement (Police or Sheriff's Department).

Contact Us

California Department of Food and Agriculture
Office of Grants Administration
1220 N Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone: (916) 657-3231

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