Statewide Plant Pest Prevention And Management Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)

Environmental Excellence Award
Project Description
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is mandated to prevent the introduction and spread of injurious insect or animal pests, plant diseases, and noxious weeds in California (California Food and Agricultural Code Section 403). To accomplish this, CDFA implements the Statewide Plant Pest Prevention and Management Program (Statewide Program), an ongoing effort by CDFA to protect California's agriculture from damage caused by invasive plant pests. The Statewide Program is implemented in partnership with a number of different entities, including international trading partners, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, County Agricultural Commissioners, other public agencies, industry groups, and academia.
CDFA has prepared this Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) to provide an up-to-date, transparent, and comprehensive evaluation of CDFA's activities. The PEIR serves as a framework for efficient and proactive implementation of Statewide Program activities.
Final PEIR
- Volume 1, Main Body
- Volume 2, Appendix
- Volume 3, Appendices B-G
- Volume 4, Appendices H-P
- Volume 5, Comments and Responses to comments on the Draft PEIR
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