SWEEP Sub-Advisory Group
In response to stakeholder request, CDFA’s Environmental Farming Act (EFA) Science Advisory Panel (SAP) has formed an ad hoc sub-advisory group to develop recommendations to address the following questions about SWEEP:
- The program’s ability to help farmers improve water use efficiency – what’s working well and what might the program seek to improve? How might any future program evolve to help farmers address new resource management challenges?
- How might any future program improve participation by operations that have historically faced barriers in accessing or utilizing the program?
- How might promotion and coordination of a program like SWEEP be improved with irrigation districts, groundwater sustainability agencies, USDA-NRCS and other potential partners?
CDFA accepted applications for members of the sub-advisory group from August 5, 2020 through September 7, 2020. At the October 2020 meeting of the EFA SAP the members of the sub-advisory group were recommended for appointment.
SWEEP Sub-Advisory Group Meetings
Three sub-group meetings were held in January through March of 2021. Meeting materials are linked below.
January 28, 2021 Meeting Information and Agenda
EFA-SAP-AAG Meeting 1 Summary
EFA-SAP-AAG Meeting 1 Presentation
February 25, 2021 Meeting Information and Agenda
EFA-SAP-AAG Consolidated Themes
EFA-SAP-AAG Data Request
EFA-SAP-AAG Meeting 2 Presentation
March 25, 2021 Meeting Information and Agenda
EFA-SAP-AAG Meeting 3 Summary
Draft Report on Recommendations
Three sub-group meetings were held in January through March of 2021. Meeting materials are linked below.
SWEEP GHG Quantification Methodologies
Greenhouse Gas Quantification Methodology for CDFA's SWEEP program – Proposition 68
Greenhouse Gas Quantification Methodology for CDFA's SWEEP program – Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund FY 2015-2016
Greenhouse Gas Quantification Methodology for CDFA's SWEEP program – Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund FY 2016-2017
UC Community Education Specialist
Technical Assistance Providers
SWEEP flyer 2022
SWEEP Pilot Flyer
2021 SWEEP Public Comments
2021 SWEEP RGA Public Comment Summary
Past Solicitations
List of Agricultural Management Practices Incentivized by SWEEP
Irrigation Technical Resources
SWEEP Sub-Advisory Group